Peer Tutoring
“BYS tutoring helped me improve my confidence when working with others. I learned patience, flexibility and got the opportunity to really have a personal impact. As a BYS tutor, I learned how to approach different problems, especially math problems, from different perspectives, based on how my students learned best.” — BHS Student
BYS Peer Tutoring is a free program designed to support students of all ages to become engaged, confident and capable learners. It pairs high school volunteers with students who request tutoring by subject. Our high school tutors get to experience community engagement through volunteerism and service, and all tutors receive community service hours.
Peer Tutoring is available to students in grades 7 – 12. Tutoring takes place at BYS by appointment Monday-Thursday after school.
Small tutoring groups of the same high school subject and level (ie Algebra II) are capped at 3 students to one tutor. If the student being tutored is younger than high school age, tutoring will be provided on a one-to-one student to tutor ratio. Students generally receive tutoring on an ongoing, weekly basis, but one-time sessions and/or bi-weekly sessions can sometimes be accommodated.
In order to get the most out of tutoring, you will be asked to take the lead and come prepared for each session with the necessary tools: textbook, Chromebook, homework assignment, test-prep, and knowing which areas you want to focus on. The tutor will be most helpful when they understand your needs. Ask questions!
Whether receiving tutoring support or not, these Study Tips from BHS students and a professional academic counselor may be helpful. For more information please review FAQ.
We always welcome more peer tutors and all high school students are welcome! Our tutors report that the experience is fulfilling and fun, not to mention, all tutors receive community service hours for their time.
It is generally expected that you have completed in good standing the subject(s) that you will tutor and feel you can easily explain it to others. Tutoring middle school students only (typically in reading or math skills) is an option as well.
You don’t need to be available to tutor for the whole school year, but we do ask that you are able to commit for at least a few months.
All new tutors are offered Quick Tips for Tutors, a brief guide to the dos and don’ts of tutoring.