Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ for Youth Therapy (Parents)

What is the age of consent for mental health services and what does that mean?

The age of consent for outpatient mental health services in Washington state is 13 years old. This means anyone 13 years or older may receive outpatient mental health services without the consent of a parent or guardian.

Will I be notified if my child is receiving mental health services with BYS?

Parents or guardians of youth 13 years or older will not be notified of a minor’s engagement in mental health services without the consent of the minor and providers cannot confirm or deny that a minor is receiving mental health services when inquired upon by a parent or guardian. However, a client can sign a Release of Information (ROI) at any time that allows for BYS to communicate with a parent/guardian and vice versa.

How does a Release of Information (ROI) work?

A ROI can be signed by a client for a variety of purposes, including but not limited to:

  • Assistance with scheduling appointments (typically for a parent or guardian)
  • Treatment planning with an outside provider (typically for a PCP, school counselor or other mental health provider)
  • By the request of the client (for any purpose requested by the client)
  • A client can request to sign a ROI at any time with either their therapist or the BYS front desk.


In what situations would my child’s therapist break confidentiality?

All BYS therapists are mandated reporters. A therapist will break confidentiality in the following instances:

  • If an individual is a danger to themselves or others
  • If an individual discloses child abuse, elder abuse, or dependent adult abuse
  • If an individual discloses sexual assault

In instances where a client discloses child abuse or sexual assault, therapists are required by law to report to the relevant public agency, such as Child Protective Services.

In instances where a client discloses they are an active threat to themselves or others, therapists will break confidentiality to notify a parent, guardian, or other trusted adult and help direct client to inpatient care for their own safety.

FAQ for Youth Therapy (Youth)

What happens after I submit an appointment request?

Our appointment scheduler will contact you via email within 1-2 business days to let you know of our next available time slot.

What is the age of consent for mental health services and what does that mean?

The age of consent for outpatient mental health services in Washington state is 13 years old. This means that if you are 13 years or older you may seek out mental health services for yourself without the consent of a parent or guardian.

Will you tell my parents/siblings/teachers/friends that I am receiving therapy at BYS?

No, we are held to confidentiality laws and will never confirm that you are receiving services with BYS without your written permission.

If I come to BYS during the school day will I be marked absent?

Bainbridge High School and Eagle Harbor High School students receive excused absences for attending BYS appointments during the school day. As long as you get a note from the BYS front desk after your appointment and bring it back to your teacher or the attendance office, your absence from class will be marked as an excused absence.

Can I bring a friend/partner/parent/sibling to a therapy session with me?

Yes! While BYS does not provide family or group therapy, you are welcome to bring a friend/partner/parent/sibling into a session with you. This is something your therapist can explore more with you.

In what situations would my therapist have to break confidentiality?

All BYS therapists are mandated reporters. A therapist will break confidentiality in the following instances:

  • If you are a danger to yourself or others
  • If you disclose child abuse, elder abuse, or dependent adult abuse
  • If you disclose sexual assault

In instances where a client discloses child abuse or sexual assault, therapists are required by law to report to the relevant public agency, such as Child Protective Services.

In instances where a client discloses they are a danger to themselves or others, therapists will break confidentiality to notify a parent, guardian, or other trusted adult and help direct client to inpatient care for their own safety.

FAQ for Jobs Board

What is the going rate these days?

Minimum wage in Washington state as of January 1, 2024 is $16.28/hour. For manually laborious work, we often see rates between $20-$25/hr.

Can I remove my job posting once I have hired a youth?

Jobs go out to youth via email, so there is no way to “take down a post” per say. If you would like us to send an email out informing youth that the job has been filled, we are happy to do that. Email

Do you know the youth on the jobs board?

No, we do not personally know all the youth and there is no screening of youth who sign up to receive Jobs Board notifications. All are BISD students and sign up online by adding their email address to our email list. Please read our Jobs Board disclaimer before posting for more information.

Can I post volunteer opportunities on the Jobs Board?

Volunteer opportunities may be posted to the Jobs Board if youth are able to receive community service hours for their time.
FAQ for Tutoring (General)

Is there a fee for the tutoring services at BYS?

Tutoring at BYS is free of charge. All of the tutors are student volunteers.

Where do I meet for tutoring?

All tutoring must take place at the BYS building (8533 Madison Avenue across from the BI Aquatic Center).

Can I meet with my student/tutor at a different location, such as the library?

Tutors will only receive volunteer hours from BYS if the tutoring takes place at the BYS building (8533 Madison Avenue across from the BI Aquatic Center). Tutoring at any other location is not considered part of the BYS tutoring program.

How often will I meet with my tutor/student?

Typically tutors and students meet once a week at the same time on the same day (for example: every Monday at 3:00.)

Are there any guidelines around canceling appointments?

All tutors and students are asked to let the tutoring coordinator know as soon as they become aware that they are unable to make it to a tutoring session. They can call BYS, email or text the tutoring coordinator.

What are the rules for being late or missing a tutoring session?

Tutors are only required to wait 15 minutes past the scheduled meeting time, after that they are free to leave. Students that miss 3+ consecutive sessions and don’t contact BYS before the scheduled time, are dropped from the tutoring schedule. Students can request a tutor again but they will need to wait until another tutor is available.

My schedule has changed but I want to continue tutoring or meeting with a tutor. Can I update my availability during the school year?

Yes, let the tutoring coordinator know the new time/day you’re available. If your current student/tutor is not available we will try to find a new one to fit your schedule.
FAQ for Tutoring (Students)

Can I request the same tutor that I had last year?

Of course! We ask that you fill out a new tutor request form for each new school year. Just add the name of your tutor in the “Subject” or “Availability” field of the form and we will try to accommodate your request.

What do I need to bring to my tutoring session?

Students receiving tutoring are expected to come to tutoring on time and prepared with the materials they need to work with their tutor. Bring your computer (if needed) along with assignments or test-prep materials. Also be prepared to explain to the tutor what concepts or skills you need help with and provide specific examples.
FAQ for Tutoring (Tutors)

I tutored last school year, do I need to sign up again for the new school year?

Yes, please fill out a new tutoring form every school year you would like to volunteer. This will keep your contact information, availability and grade up to date. You can also revise the list of subjects that you would like to tutor.

How are my volunteer hours tracked and how do I receive them?

BYS maintains a spreadsheet tracking all volunteer hours. You can request this information from the tutoring coordinator at any time during the school year.