Dungeons & Dragons & Dogs
Bainbridge Public LibraryTeens! Learn how to play Dungeons & Dragons with an experienced dungeon master to guide you through a campaign. Don't stress if you've never played before-- therapy dogs are on hand […]
please note: BYS follows the Bainbridge Island School District schedule regarding weather-related delays and closures
Teens! Learn how to play Dungeons & Dragons with an experienced dungeon master to guide you through a campaign. Don't stress if you've never played before-- therapy dogs are on hand […]
Rain or shine, join us in celebrating lighting the tree, hot cider and sweets, festive entertainment, and the welcoming of winter traditions. Age: All Price: Free
Beginning December 1st, participating stores will have Elf “bingo cards” available to elf sleuths, to locate the hidden elves in their stores. When you find the elf, head to that store’s checkout […]
Hang out at the library after school in our main meeting space for fun, festivities, and Fritos. Study or read, kick back with our old-school video game consoles, watch a […]
Teens! Learn how to play Dungeons & Dragons with an experienced dungeon master to guide you through a campaign. Don't stress if you've never played before-- therapy dogs are on hand […]
Join other teens in this online group to discover the action and intrigue that awaits in fantasy worlds full of mystery. A free D&D Beyond account is required. For more information, email ksmith@krl.org. […]
Embark on a magical journey with Anastasia: The Musical, a sweeping adventure that takes you from the twilight of the Russian Empire to the vibrant streets of Paris in the […]
Join us on the plaza for lights, music, food, and shopping—enjoy vendors from all over the PNW! DIY activities for all ages Live DJ & Performances Holiday themed drinks for […]
Singer and guitarist Tony Petrillo has been performing in bands in the Puget Sound area for 40 years. His voice is most often compared to the baritone singers of the […]
Embark on a magical journey with Anastasia: The Musical, a sweeping adventure that takes you from the twilight of the Russian Empire to the vibrant streets of Paris in the […]
Tickets: $23 for Members, $25 for Non-Members Take a soulful and funky spin through your favorite holiday playlist—from Otis Redding to Wham!, WurliPop will surely get your toes tapping, your […]
As the days get darker, who doesn't love a flickering candle to set the mood? Come along to our candle-making workshop and make your own for the holiday season. Supplies […]
The events listed on this calendar are provided for informational purposes only. BYS does not endorse or promote any specific events listed herein. Youth who choose to attend any of the events listed on this calendar do so voluntarily and at their own risk. BYS shall not be held responsible or liable for any actions, claims, damages, or liabilities arising from or related to the events listed on this calendar.