Eagle Harbor High School Info Night

Eagle Harbor High School 9530 High School Rd NE, Bainbridge Island, WA

Eagle Harbor High School Info Night Age: Students/Parents wanting to know more about EHHS Price: Free

Teen Dungeons & Dragons: Virtual Tabletop

Bainbridge Public Library

Join other teens in this online group to discover the action and intrigue that awaits in fantasy worlds full of mystery. A free D&D Beyond account is required. For more information, email ksmith@krl.org. Age: Teen Price: Free

Eurydice – Pay-what-you-can Preview

Bainbridge Performing Arts 200 Madison Ave N., Bainbridge Island

Dive into the hauntingly beautiful world of Eurydice, a reimagining of the classic Greek myth by award-winning playwright Sarah Ruhl. Content Advisory Eurydice includes themes of grief, loss, and death, including the loss of a parent. Age: All (See content advisory) Price: Pay What You Can (Tickets)


Bainbridge Performing Arts 200 Madison Ave N., Bainbridge Island

Dive into the hauntingly beautiful world of Eurydice, a reimagining of the classic Greek myth by award-winning playwright Sarah Ruhl. Content Advisory Eurydice includes themes of grief, loss, and death, including the loss of a parent. Age: All (See content advisory) Price: $10-$35 (Tickets) Show Times: Friday: 7:30pm Saturday: 7:30pm Sunday: 3:00pm


Blakely Harbor Park 10230 NE Country Club Rd, Bainbridge Island, WA

Join the Park District, IslandWood, and the Bainbridge Island Parks & Trails Foundation every second Saturday this winter in the ongoing restoration of Blakley Harbor Park! Thousands of volunteer hours have already been logged, helping transform the site of the former largest mill in the world. Volunteers will help remove invasive species, spread mulch to […]


Island Wood 4450 Blakely Ave NE, Bainbridge Island, WA

Join our volunteer beekeeper, Charles Schafer, and IslandWood naturalists for an afternoon to delight the mind, senses and heart in our beautiful garden setting. We will hear stories and sing songs about bees, have a honey tasting, and also listen to a fun and lively presentation all about the buzz in your neighborhood. After learning […]

Monday Teen Space

Bainbridge Public Library

"Hang out after school in our main meeting space for fun, festivities, and Fritos. Study or read, kick back with our old-school video game consoles, watch a movie, or join in a tabletop game. Snacks provided." Hosted by Bainbridge Public Library Age: Teens Price: Free

Island Film Group: The Accidental Tourist (1988)

Bainbridge Public Library

The Island Film Group meets on the second Wednesday of the month to watch a movie followed by an informal discussion. Join us this month for an eighties favorite which earned one of its cast a Best Supporting Oscar. The Accidental Tourist (1988). PG, 121 mins. Age: All Price: Free


Bainbridge Performing Arts 200 Madison Ave N., Bainbridge Island

Dive into the hauntingly beautiful world of Eurydice, a reimagining of the classic Greek myth by award-winning playwright Sarah Ruhl. Content Advisory Eurydice includes themes of grief, loss, and death, including the loss of a parent. Age: All (See content advisory) Price: $10-$35 (Tickets) Show Times: Friday: 7:30pm Saturday: 7:30pm Sunday: 3:00pm

Teen Night @ BARN

Bainbridge BARN 8890 Three Tree Lane NE, Bainbridge Island, Washington

Teens (grades 7-12) gather for a free evening of art, friends, and creativity! Registration opens at noon, Feb. 28 (two weeks before the event). Age: Grades 7-12 Price: Free (Register Here)


Blakely Harbor Park 10230 NE Country Club Rd, Bainbridge Island, WA

Join the Park District’s trails team, IslandWood, and the Bainbridge Island Parks &Trails Foundation every third Saturday this winter maintaining the many miles of trails connected to Blakely Harbor Park. Volunteers will prune trails, maintain surfacing, and more. Well suited for children ages six and up who are comfortable using small hand tools and walking […]

Self-Defense For Teen Girls

Bainbridge Public Library

Learn to safely defend and remove yourself from dangerous situations. Education, practice and empowerment. Please note that this class is for teen girls only. Grades 7-12. Hosted by Bainbridge Public Library in partnership with Kitsap Martial Arts. Age: Grades 7-12 Price: Free (Register Here)

The events listed on this calendar are provided for informational purposes only. BYS does not endorse or promote any specific events listed herein. Youth who choose to attend any of the events listed on this calendar do so voluntarily and at their own risk. BYS shall not be held responsible or liable for any actions, claims, damages, or liabilities arising from or related to the events listed on this calendar.